Welcome to our Family Support Page


What can our Family Support Worker and Health Support Worker do for you?


And of course, a friendly face to talk to and share your problems and concerns.


Citizens Advice, Living with Neurodiversity.

Starting on Friday 10th January we are offering appointments held in school, with an advisor from Citizens Advice who specialises in living with neurodiversity. These sessions will run fortnightly, and appointments will be available from 9:30 – 11:30am.

If you and your family require any support with benefit claims, including DLA forms, housing issues, debt issues and more then telephone school to book your appointment. Please call 0191 4336900 and ask to speak to Amy, one of our family support team, who can book an appointment for you.

Gibside school Flyer


DLA application forms support

Please see below a link which you may find helpful when completing DLA application forms. It gives guidance and examples for completing each section and questions on the application form.

Cerebra DLA-guide

Contact Tips


Please fine a list and directory of activities, charities and groups who can support families and children with SEN’

Groups and Activities Directory